Justin & Casey

October 2, 2025 • Rock City Falls, NY
203 Days To Go!

Justin & Casey

October 2, 2025 • Rock City Falls, NY
203 Days To Go!

Our Story


Picture of Proposal!

As we all know, Justin is the raddest dude on the block, so he wanted to do something gnarly for the proposal. He got Casey's closest friends to join them at Rollarama, while he and Casey dressed up in 90's clothes because that's the kind of dope people they are.

Casey did not question any of this.

During couples' skate, Casey's favorite song started to play, and she said "Oh hey, I love this song". (Still no idea.) Then Justin turned to her and said "I want to spend the rest of my life with you" to which she replied "Me too!" (STILL not getting it). Only when he took her to the center of the floor and dropped to one knee did she understand.

The best part was when he pulled the ring box out of his fanny pack. And yes, he got back up successfully.

How We Met

As with many millennial love stories, this one starts with a dating app.

In January 2023, Casey and Justin matched on Bumble. They had a lovely conversation about Lord of the Rings costumes (naturally), but there was something Justin didn't know...

Casey was too fresh from her last relationship and had a chip on her shoulder the size of Pennsylvania.

As soon as it was revealed that Justin got a full ride to law school (because he's a smarty pants), Casey thought "well I have student loans and that sucks, so boo." Then she stopped responding. Because she's dumb.

Late June of that same year, they matched again on Hinge. They had a compelling conversation about Orcas and octopi taking over the earth, and Justin said "Hey, we matched before, do you remember?"

Cue embarrassed horror.

Well, Justin was gracious enough to give Casey another shot, and they met for their first date. Justin accidentally got regular coffee when he wanted decaf. Casey wore her very best spandex, because she'd just come from the gym and had furiously washed herself and applied makeup in the bathroom.

It must have gone well, because they agreed to a second date. The rest, as they say, is history.